McCain and Romney primary battle
John McCain continues to be the comeback kid after his recent win in Florida. John McCain’s recent win in Florida surprised many republicans including John McCain and Rudy Giuliani as well as other GOP supporters. The Arizona senator is feeling pretty confident after he recently won New Hampshire and South Carolina after narrowly losing Michigan. Additional good news for John McCain aka: “The maverick” and “comeback kid” he recently received an endorsement from his former competitor former governor Rudy Giuliani. This endorcement helps push McCain's "political machine" even further along towards his road to success.
One of the biggest surprises about John McCain’s politicial machine is he was in debt to the sum of 4.5 million going into Florida’s primary. The senator was border line broke and had to rely on a line of credit at the end of 2007 to continue his campaign to be the GOP’s representative. Senator John McCain’s savvy debates and his moderate (although he’ll argue he’s a conservative) views have proved to be enough to gain 7 million dollars in January alone. John McCain’s win has helped him build up momentum by winning 3 primaries and his political machine has been on fire ever sense. However, John McCain still has a tuff fight on his hands as he continues onto Super Tuesday.
John McCain’s biggest adversary Mitt Romney has deep pockets and can stay in the fight for as long as he feels he still has a chance to win. This is obvious after Mitt Romneys frustrations when reviewing their previous debate where Senator John McCain accuses former governor Romney of wanting to pull troops out of Iraq and Mitt Romney’s reactions to Senator McCain’s statement. This attack tactic by Senator McCain is what several political pundits believe helped him beat Mitt Romney in Florida .This was obvious by the frustration of Mitt Romney during his debate at the Ronald Regan Presidential Library. However, many pundits believe John McCain will continue to press the issue that Mitt Romney wanted to pull of Iraq due to suggestions that John McCain could possibly lose ground if the debates move to anything related to money and the US economy. During the debate Mitt Romney was becoming frustrated and changed tactics and attacked Senator McCain accusing him of being more focused on liberal views rather than holding onto Republican values.
In an interesting turn of events Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is scheduled a news conference to throw his support to John McCain one week prior to California’s primary. This comes after the Governor previously said he would not endorse any primary candidate. This endorsement should help John McCain solidify his position as the Republicans candidate for the GOP nomination. John Mc Cain should do well as his popularity in California has seemed to rise according to polling data. California being a large state will help John McCain gain the delegates needed to push him out in front of Mitt Romney when it comes to adding up the delegates. Of course this also depends on how Mitt Romney does during Super Tuesday. John McCain has won 3 races and California offers 170 delegates deriving from 53 congressional districts for which only republicans can vote.
To summarize the fight to represent the GOP it all falls down to the ability to continue to raise money for John McCain along with Mitt Romney’s choice to continue to stay in the race if he loses a significant number of the delegates on Super Tuesday. It also depends on the amount of endorsements from state governors and senators supporting Mitt Romney and John McCain.